The most disturbing part for me was the discussion about disfellowshipping between the judge and Polidoro. She asked if people were casually disfellowshipped (or something to that effect) of if there was a process. Polidoro said, "yes, there is a process". Amazingly, the judge seemed impressed that there was. Polidoro then goes into a fake example of someone stealing. He said that if after trying to restore a person from stealing, they would have to disfellowship him if he wanted to continue stealing. What a load of goose butter. No one gets df'd for stealing I'm sure.
Why didn't he tell her about the thousands who have been shunned for thought crimes like not believing the GB is the sole spokesman for God on earth?
Why not tell her that even if a person just tries to fade away they are still shunned?
Why not tell her that though-control inquisitions are routinely held for the sole purpose of determining if a person still believes their god-like prophetical claims or not? And, if they don't - their loved ones are prohibited from seeing them lest they too get df'd. ?
The attorney for Darkspilver was weak in my opinion. You don't go to a gun fight with a knife. He needed a bigger (and probably more expensive) lawyer. She at least needs to read some testimonies from those like us who have been shunned for thought crimes.
A good lawyer could have baited the judge into asking Polidoro if its true that people are disfellowshipped for no longer believing that the WT is God's Sole Channel of Communication on earth. It would have been awesome to get Polidoro's answer to that question on record.
Does anyone have an address for this judge? I'd really like to write her a letter too. I think we all should.
She should hear some testimony on the shunning "process" that this judge was so impressed with.
The Papacy had an elaborate disfellowshipping process at one time too - burn at the stake anyone who dared disagree with their authority.